What can we do and with what technologies

We were born with the CRM. We often integrate some kind of traditional managerial software  giving them an extra possibility, an extension. We use the Project Management and the Agile method to control the development and the change. We use the most recent Microsoft and WEB technologies.

Our company’s dynamism and flexibility have allowed us to acquire numerous competences over the years, thus we have been able to purvey our clients qualified personal people in the following areas:
  • CRM, eCommerce, statement, financial analysis, Business Intelligence, online database, CMS
  • Microsoft SharePoint installation and configuration, WebPart and App development Integration with the already existing resources in the company: the managerial software (Zucchetti, Arca, etc.), the mail server, the 4.0 Industry’s smart factory
  • Development with Microsoft and .NET technologies: ASP.NET, and .NET Core, MVC5, App Console and Worker Service on SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL in Windows and Linux environments
  • Domains’ registration, e-mail, hosting, housing and virtualisation, always under control, with a high quality level, a continuous resource performance monitoring, adaptable to the needs, so configured on demand
Image of Erik Johansson
